
Whispered the fresh wind at the end of this summer afternoon, And the clear sky is already showing the moon in all its exuberance, Yet in my chest an emptiness and a commotion, What is it that troubles me so much? The world and its greed. I saw on the news a hungry child on…

Vamos lá Europa 

   Certamente que a Europa sozinha não reúne as condições de acolher todos imigrantes que aqui chegam fugindo da pobreza, da fome e da guerra, mas a Europa tem todas as condições de exigir uma resposta global, que possa tratar de forma efetiva as calamidaded que assolam estes países.  Uma coisa é certa, eles continuaram…


   Estimados Amigos,  Muito obrigado pelas muitas palavras de fé, encorajamento e apoio. No entanto, o estado da minha querida mãe é crítico, só um verdadeiro milagre para reverter a situação. Todos nós que temos ou tivemos mãe sabemos o quanto tal criatura significa em nossas vidas. Lembro-me de quando menino das lutas constantes quando…

The gay stifle

They are strangers to the world, They are strangers to their own people, They are strangers to their families, They are strangers to themselves. They suffer the rejection of all, They suffer the rejection of self, They suffer the rejection of religion, They suffer the rejection of society. They just want to be accepted as…

My new book “Gay Gene” is available

Description When we think about postmodernism we have to consider its implication in every aspect of society and none would doubt that homosexuality is one of these major implication especially for the contemporary church. The influence of relativism and the paradigm shift in humanity made homosexuality not just acceptable, but in many cases a norm. For…

Women’s traffic

A tear rolled down her face, Rounded the cheek and accumulated in the chin. No one put up a handkerchief to hold back her tears, Not even a shoulder is given to her comfort. Who weeps? The girls robbed from their loved ones, Sold, trafficked, raped and beaten, Sexual objects of men who have been…